How would you create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

When having a social media campaign my main goals would be to create awareness, create a support group and find people with similar interests. Having a strong PLN prior to starting the campaign is an incredibly smart choice as it allows to drastically increase the success in the campaign. One source I will use to ensure that I create a successful PLN are the Woods (2013) strategies:

  • Know that are PLNS are different
    • Make sure that my PLN is specific for myself and that someone else’s successful PLN wouldn’t necessarily be successful for me.
  • Ask and listen
    • Ask questions to my community engage their feedback and apply it.
  • Leverage technology
    • Take advantage of the different types of technology out there and use them individually to their best of their ability.
  • Try out Twitter
    • Twitter is arguably the best platform for building a PLN. I can start conversations, create a relevant feed and follow experts in my area.
  • Look outside L&D
    • Don’t tunnel vision yourself, instead look at people with similar and different interests and learn from them.

These strategies can be applied to any social media campaign and bring great success. Having a good PLN is the start of a good social media campaign and the strategies written by Bianca Woods is a great guide to creating an effective PLN.


Woods, B. (2013, November). Building Your Own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. American Society for Training and Development.