Blog 10

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

My PLN can be used to help professional development post-course because having a PLN is very important no matter what field everyone ends up in. Even today as a computer scientist working in the academia field of Kinesiology I often have to build connects reach out to other professors and communicate ideas. As a programmer, the client is king and often times I have to communicate with researchers to develop what they want and what direction our company should work towards depending on input from different specialists in the field.

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

Adding to my first point, I do believe that my PLN can be relied to open professional opportunities. Professional opportunities come in all shapes and forms but one experience I have already experienced is people from my PLN reaching out to me with advice and suggestions as well as give me feedback on my User Interface for my code. Another part of my PLN and digital identity is my LinkedIn account where people in my network will reach out to me seeing if I am interested in joining hands and working for them. This is a common occurrence as I connect with people with similar interests as well as people in the same field. Thus, being a Lifeguard and Software Developer has caused people to slide into my inbox asking if I’d be interested in the professional positions that they’re offering.


wakelet (2022) The benefits of Growing Your Network & PLN! | #thewakeletpodcast, YouTube. YouTube. Minutes 15-20 Available at: (Accessed: November 22, 2022).

1 Comment

  1. Kathy Luu

    Hello Kevin,
    I really enjoyed reading about your personal PLN! It was interesting to hear about how your PLN and digital identity has created opportunities for you to connect with people within your field and also allowed others to reach out to you for guidance. As you continue expand and further build your PLN, do you have any advice for those who are just beginning this networking journey? Perhaps they’ve just created an Indeed profile and are wondering what the next steps should be—what tips/ insight might you provide?

    Thanks for sharing your PLN journey!


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