Month: November 2022

Blog 10

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

My PLN can be used to help professional development post-course because having a PLN is very important no matter what field everyone ends up in. Even today as a computer scientist working in the academia field of Kinesiology I often have to build connects reach out to other professors and communicate ideas. As a programmer, the client is king and often times I have to communicate with researchers to develop what they want and what direction our company should work towards depending on input from different specialists in the field.

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

Adding to my first point, I do believe that my PLN can be relied to open professional opportunities. Professional opportunities come in all shapes and forms but one experience I have already experienced is people from my PLN reaching out to me with advice and suggestions as well as give me feedback on my User Interface for my code. Another part of my PLN and digital identity is my LinkedIn account where people in my network will reach out to me seeing if I am interested in joining hands and working for them. This is a common occurrence as I connect with people with similar interests as well as people in the same field. Thus, being a Lifeguard and Software Developer has caused people to slide into my inbox asking if I’d be interested in the professional positions that they’re offering.


wakelet (2022) The benefits of Growing Your Network & PLN! | #thewakeletpodcast, YouTube. YouTube. Minutes 15-20 Available at: (Accessed: November 22, 2022).

Blog 9

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict; why does this happen?

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict because people on social media like to cope and not accept facts. Social media users like to see what they want to see and thus the social media platform will give them mostly what they want. However, when contrary facts appear and when people say things they don’t believe in, social media users are quick to turn down the fact and disagree. This is also occurs commonly because social media platforms are for profit meaning they will ensure that they provide you with the information you want to see. They will spoon feed you information that will benefit themselves as a company.

 What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

Having a PLN that values media literacy is very important because media literacy allows us to open a window where we can quickly and effectively gain a lot of information. Media literacy also allows us to differentiate between good information and bad information by understanding which sources are more credible. Good media literacy will also better help the PLN reach the target audience as it is easy to have your social media information lost in the ocean of posts.

Blog 8

Interview with Sophie Lui

From watching the interview with professor Jesse Miller and Sophie Lui, Sophie touched on how different it is for her to network efficiently compared to when she just started working. Sophie started working before cell phones were common and before they were smart phones. This mean’t that social media was pretty much non existent and she had to use letters and direct calls as the main way of sharing her life. Sophie also mentioned how depending on the social media platform of choice, her posts and digital identity are much different. Sophie stated that when using twitter, she was more into more professional topics while her Instagram account would share mostly the events happening in her personal life. Sophie reflected that social media is a great way to represent yourself and pursue continuous learning. When Sophie faces a critical public audience, she typically listens to what they have to say but if they become toxic she will simply block them.

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

When getting the public involved, there are many risks and benefits. Some benefits include that you get to talk to other people and learn about what they have to say about the topic. This is an effective way to share information and gain new insights based on how others respond. The risks include that the public can be very toxic and quick to judge. These risks and benefits are just to a larger scale for public figures and people in power as they have a large following and can affect your life. Sophie said that she is also a victim to getting attacked with sexism.

 How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer’s social media policy?

The best way to deal with negative replies and critiques on your personal values is to simply block it out. However, this should be a last measure action in my opinion as it would be more effective to hear it out and give a harsh response. If this doesn’t work just continue to mute them so they get no satisfaction from their actions.


Sophie Lui – Edci 338 (2022) YouTube. YouTube. Available at:

Blog 7

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

A diverse and inclusive PLN in allows us to target a broad audience that will have their own unique and different views. This diverse and inclusive PLN will then be accepted by many other people who can relate and understand the perspective we are sharing as well as report, share and comment their own experiences on the subject.

Communities in general are very diverse with people coming from different ethnicities, backgrounds and occupations and being able to have a diverse personal learning network that everyone can be a part of is crucial for everyone to understand the information that will also impact themselves. Everyone should have a right to know what is happening around themselves in the community so it is best to make sure that the PLN includes all groups and is also easily accessible.

Good uses we see today for this are like news platforms, open social media groups as well as public posts. These methods on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are great outlets to use to create topics and subjects that can be reached by all audiences.

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